Why We Can’t Stop Watching the Gilmore Girls

Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 1 Elizabeth St, Hartford

River Bend Bookshop and the Connecticut Museum are pairing up to present an evening with best-selling author Ann Hood, the editor of a new anthology, Life's Short, Talk Fast: Fifteen Writers on Why We Can't Stop Watching the Gilmore Girls.


Encounters: Political Activism in 1860 — and 2025

Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 1 Elizabeth St, Hartford

What does it mean to be politically involved? What do political action and freedom of speech look like? In 1860, during a time of deep political division and fears of a civil...


The Future of Coffee

Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 1 Elizabeth St, Hartford

Our favorite morning drink comes with a heavy environmental price tag. Join us to hear from local coffee roasters about what is being done to make coffee cultivation and consumption more sustainable.

$10 – $15