Family Grab and Go Bags: Extra, Extra, Read All About It!

Create your own newspaper masthead with a FREE Family Grab and Go Bag, available for one day only! Investigate the story of Hannah Watson, a Revolutionary War-Era newspaper editor. Then, write your own newspaper article about a major event from your lifetime - ALL necessary materials included!

The Queer History of the Suffrage Movement

Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 1 Elizabeth St, Hartford, CT

Learn about the role that queer suffragists played in the fight for women's right to vote.

The Queer History of the Suffrage Movement

Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 1 Elizabeth St, Hartford, CT

Learn about the role that queer suffragists played in the fight for women's right to vote.

Short Attention Span Literary Club

Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 1 Elizabeth Street, Hartford, CT

This week's selection is the the novella "The Yellow Wallpaper" by Hartford native Charlotte Perkins Gilman.

Short Attention Span Literary Club

Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 1 Elizabeth Street, Hartford, CT

This week's selection is the the novella "The Yellow Wallpaper" by Hartford native Charlotte Perkins Gilman.

Speak Up Live: Behind the Scenes Wedding Stories

Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 1 Elizabeth St, Hartford, CT

Join us from home to hear storytellers from around the world tell true stories about lived experiences around the theme of “Behind the Scenes Wedding Stories”, led by 45-time Moth StorySLAM champion and 6-time GrandSLAM champion Matthew Dicks.

Speak Up Live: Behind the Scenes Wedding Stories

Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 1 Elizabeth St, Hartford, CT

Join us from home to hear storytellers from around the world tell true stories about lived experiences around the theme of “Behind the Scenes Wedding Stories”, led by 45-time Moth StorySLAM champion and 6-time GrandSLAM champion Matthew Dicks.

Short Attention Span Literary Club

Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 1 Elizabeth Street, Hartford, CT

This week's selection is Flannery O'Connor's "A Good Man Is Hard To Find."