“No Votes, Thank You”: Connecticut’s Anti-Suffrage Movement

Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 1 Elizabeth St, Hartford

Did you know that thousands of CT women in the 1910s fought tooth-and-nail against woman suffrage? Why? Join us in the WWI exhibit for a deep dive into this topic. We’ll look at photos, letters and pamphlets from this period to understand one of the most controversial social topics of the WWI era.

“No Votes, Thank You”: Connecticut’s Anti-Suffrage Movement

Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 1 Elizabeth St, Hartford

Did you know that thousands of CT women in the 1910s fought tooth-and-nail against woman suffrage? Why? Join us in the WWI exhibit for a deep dive into this topic. We’ll look at photos, letters and pamphlets from this period to understand one of the most controversial social topics of the WWI era.

Debating Democracy in the Revolutionary Age

We invite CMCH members and visitors to bring a lunch and join us for a noontime talk by Dr. Kari Winter, NERFC fellow, about political debate in the Revolutionary Era in Connecticut.

Debating Democracy in the Revolutionary Age

We invite CMCH members and visitors to bring a lunch and join us for a noontime talk by Dr. Kari Winter, NERFC fellow, about political debate in the Revolutionary Era in Connecticut.

Smithsonian Museum Day

Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 1 Elizabeth St, Hartford, CT, United States

Museum Day is an annual celebration of boundless curiosity hosted by Smithsonian magazine. Participating museums and cultural institutions across the country provide entry to anyone presenting a Museum Day ticket. CMCH is...

Smithsonian Museum Day

Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 1 Elizabeth St, Hartford, CT, United States

Museum Day is an annual celebration of boundless curiosity hosted by Smithsonian magazine. Participating museums and cultural institutions across the country provide entry to anyone presenting a Museum Day ticket. CMCH is...

Who Are the Constitution-Makers?

Join us to learn about how constitutions get made with UCONN School of Law Professor Richard S. Kay. This is the inaugural event in our lecture series, "The Constitution of 1818: Debate and Dissent in the Land of Steady Habits."

Who Are the Constitution-Makers?

Join us to learn about how constitutions get made with UCONN School of Law Professor Richard S. Kay. This is the inaugural event in our lecture series, "The Constitution of 1818: Debate and Dissent in the Land of Steady Habits."

Skinner’s Important Jewelry Consignment Day

Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 1 Elizabeth Street, Hartford, CT, United States

Meet with Skinner's Fine Jewelry Department staff for a complimentary auction evaluation and consignment of your Fine Jewelry. Space is limited and appointments are required!

Skinner’s Important Jewelry Consignment Day

Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 1 Elizabeth Street, Hartford, CT, United States

Meet with Skinner's Fine Jewelry Department staff for a complimentary auction evaluation and consignment of your Fine Jewelry. Space is limited and appointments are required!