Speak Up Storytelling: Stimulated — Stories About Hype, Energy, and the Jitters

Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 1 Elizabeth St, Hartford

Come out to the Museum to hear storytellers tell true stories about lived experiences, led by 45-time Moth StorySLAM champion and 6-time GrandSLAM champion Matthew Dicks. Tonight's theme is "Stimulated: Stories About Hype, Energy, and the Jitters."


Ground Rules: Giv Coffee

Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 1 Elizabeth St, Hartford

See our new Coffee exhibit, and experience a coffee tasting with our community partner Giv Coffee. What could be better?


200th Anniversary Opening Celebration

Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 1 Elizabeth St, Hartford

You're invited the 200th Anniversary opening celebration of the Connecticut Museum of Culture and History! This event will feature: Iconic items from the Museum collection on view only at this...


Made to Last: The Art and Craft of Shoe Making

Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 1 Elizabeth St, Hartford

Connecticut shoemaker Andrew Rowand will utilize historic shoes from the CMCH collection to showcase the living craft and tradition of shoemaking from the 18th century to the present day.



Inspire Center – New Theme!

The Inspire Center brings history and problem-solving together in a hands-on creative space for visitors of all ages! Look closely at objects from the Connecticut Museum collection, get inspired, and work together to create something new. With objects and themes changing every other month, you can enjoy unique experiences all year long! February's challenge is to create a new way to teach the alphabet!

Family Program: Valentines for Kids

Happy Valentine’s Day! Using historic valentines from the Museum’s collection as inspiration, create one-of-a-kind cards to give to your loved ones! 


French Canadian Jam

Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 1 Elizabeth Street, Hartford, CT, United States

Get acquainted with French Canadian traditional tunes at this monthly jam session,  happening Saturday afternoons on First Free Weekends!


Inspire Center – New Theme!

The Inspire Center brings history and problem-solving together in a hands-on creative space for visitors of all ages! Look closely at objects from the Connecticut Museum collection, get inspired, and work together to create something new. With objects and themes changing every other month, you can enjoy unique experiences all year long! February's challenge is to create a new way to teach the alphabet!