Have you ever heard of a Hitchcock Chair? Did you know they are made right here in Connecticut? Tune into this episode of Kat's Creative Corner to explore the story of these unique chairs!
Have you ever heard of a Hitchcock Chair? Did you know they are made right here in Connecticut? Tune into this episode of Kat's Creative Corner to explore the story of these unique chairs!
Forgeries, theft, arson, and murder. In this presentation, we’ll show you items from our collection that tell the stories of long-ago crime and punishment.
Forgeries, theft, arson, and murder. In this presentation, we’ll show you items from our collection that tell the stories of long-ago crime and punishment.
In response to COVID-19, the CMCH has created a new way to experience Homeschool Day! This program includes an activity kit mailed to your home plus a chance to engage in an interactive online workshop with other homeschoolers!
In response to COVID-19, the CMCH has created a new way to experience Homeschool Day! This program includes an activity kit mailed to your home plus a chance to engage in an interactive online workshop with other homeschoolers!
In response to COVID-19, the CMCH has created a new way to experience Homeschool Day! This program includes an activity kit mailed to your home plus a chance to engage in an interactive online workshop with other homeschoolers!
Do you have any special family recipes? What is your favorite holiday treat? Tune into this episode of Objects Tell Stories to explore some historic recipes from recipe books in the CMCH collection.
Do you have any special family recipes? What is your favorite holiday treat? Tune into this episode of Objects Tell Stories to explore some historic recipes from recipe books in the CMCH collection.
Join us from home to hear storytellers from around the world tell true stories about lived experiences around the theme "Mental Health," led by 45-time Moth StorySLAM champion and 6-time GrandSLAM champion Matthew Dicks.
Join us from home to hear storytellers from around the world tell true stories about lived experiences around the theme "Mental Health," led by 45-time Moth StorySLAM champion and 6-time GrandSLAM champion Matthew Dicks.