Family Program: Winter Wonderland (CANCELED)

Explore Connecticut’s wintry wonders! Look closely at images of the unique holiday-themed window and store displays at G. Fox and Co, a Connecticut department store. Then, using those as inspiration, design your own wintry window display!

Family Exhibit Tour: Dressing Up the Past (CANCELED)

Visit the CMCH for a special tour of Making Connecticut followed by a related craft! Through close-looking and hands-on activities, explore how clothing was made and how fashion has changed throughout history. Families will have the opportunity to card wool, “work” in a textile factory, and more!

Family Exhibit Tour: Dressing Up the Past (CANCELED)

Visit the CMCH for a special tour of Making Connecticut followed by a related craft! Through close-looking and hands-on activities, explore how clothing was made and how fashion has changed throughout history. Families will have the opportunity to card wool, “work” in a textile factory, and more!

Virtual Homeschool Workshop: A Day in the Life

Explore a day in the life of soldiers, battlefield nurses, and women working on the homefront during the Civil War. Through close-looking at a variety of primary sources, including letters, diary entries, and newspapers, children will explore the variety of roles and responsibilities of women during the Civil War.

Family Program: Valentines for Kids

Happy Valentine's Day! Using historic valentines from the CMCH collection as inspiration, create one-of-a-kind cards to give to your loved ones!

Family Program: Valentines for Kids

Happy Valentine's Day! Using historic valentines from the CMCH collection as inspiration, create one-of-a-kind cards to give to your loved ones!

Family Program: Valentines for Kids

Happy Valentine’s Day! Using historic valentines from the CMCH collection as inspiration, create one-of-a-kind cards to give to your loved ones!


Family Exhibit Tour: Dressing Up the Past

Through close-looking and hands-on activities, explore how clothing was made throughout history. Families will have the opportunity to card wool, "work" in a textile factory, and more!


Family Exhibit Tour: Dressing Up the Past

Through close-looking and hands-on activities, explore how clothing was made throughout history. Families will have the opportunity to card wool, "work" in a textile factory, and more!


Family Program: Tools of the Trade

Uncover the stories of some Connecticut tradespeople and their tools! Kids will use historic tools to try out some popular trades from long ago and decorate their own toy toolbox to take home.


Family Program: Tools of the Trade

Uncover the stories of some Connecticut tradespeople and their tools! Kids will use historic tools to try out some popular trades from long ago and decorate their own toy toolbox to take home.

Family Program: Tools of the Trade

Uncover the stories of some Connecticut tradespeople and their tools! Kids will use historic tools to try out some popular trades from long ago and decorate their own toy toolbox to take home. Then, families can explore the exhibit Albert’s Odd Jobs: Making a Living in the 1800s to learn more about jobs throughout history.