Enjoy a wine and cheese reception at the Windsor Historical Society to celebrate the return of Windsor cabinetmaker George Belden’s bowfront chest of drawers. The chest will reside in Windsor thanks to a generous long-term loan from the Connecticut Museum of Culture and History. Christina Vida, Curator for Collections and Interpretation, will share details of George Belden’s life and practice in Windsor from 1793 until the mid-1830s and the sources she has plumbed to reveal more about George Belden and his world. She will also highlight other Connecticut Museum of Culture and History objects on loan that help us tell the stories of Windsor’s history and development.
Cost: $6 adults, $5 seniors and students, $4 WHS and CMCH members. For more information, contact the Windsor Historical Society at (860) 688-3813 or visit their website at www.windsorhistoricalsociety.org.