Did you know that Lunar New Year has been celebrated in Connecticut for over 150 years? Come to the CMCH to welcome the Year of the Rabbit and learn about the many ways that Lunar New Year is celebrated today across different cultures.
This free event will last from 1:00 – 4:00 pm. The lantern-making activity, dance performance, and gallery talks will be repeated.
1:00 – 2:00 Lantern Making Craft (supplies limited; first come first served)
1:30 Dance Performance by students from Ju Long Wushu Chinese Martial Arts Training Center
2:00-2:20 Gallery Talk in Journeys 旅途: Boys of the Chinese Educational Mission
2:30 – 3:30 Lantern making craft (supplies limited; first come first served)
2:45-3:05 Gallery Talk in Journeys 旅途: Boys of the Chinese Educational Mission
3:00 Dance Performance by students from Ju Long Wushu Chinese Martial Arts Training Center
3:45-4:05 Gallery Talk in Journeys 旅途: Boys of the Chinese Educational Mission
1:00 – 4:00 A Taste of Lunar New Year – sample treats while supplies last, and share your own Lunar New Year traditions with others
We thank our partners:
You don’t have to pre-register for this free program, but it helps if you click here to let us know you’re coming!
For more information, please contact Katerina Mazzacane, Youth and Family Programs Manager, at 860-236-5621 x222, or email katerina_mazzacane@chs.org.