Join us for a unique series of poetry readings and community dialogues! The Asian and Asian American Studies Institute at UConn and the Connecticut Museum of Culture and History, along with Make Us Visible CT, invite you to listen to Connecticut’s Asian American poets and explore personal stories and local histories. The second event in the series features Debora Kuan, and you can register for FREE tickets here.
Debora Kuan is the author of two poetry collections, Xing and Lunch Portraits. Currently, she is the poet laureate of Wallingford, Connecticut. Her work has appeared in Poetry, The New Republic, The Awl, Boston Review, The Baffler, Fence, The Iowa Review, ZYZZYVA, and other publications, and her art criticism has appeared in Artforum, Art in America, Modern Painters, Paper Monument, and other magazines.
This series is funded by a grant from CT Humanities.